Complaint before Lokayukta of Maharashtra

  1. My statement was taken on 10th April 2017 for effecting arrest warrant but FIR was not registered [Evidence documents pages 340-341].
  2. DCP, Zone VII, Shri Sachin Patil had said that he suspected foul play for not registering FIR by the police officer at Navghar police station.
  3. That the matter cannot be non-cognisable if it is before the Consumer Court and asked the officers to send the case to Directorate of Health Services, Mantralaya, Government of Maharashtra for adjudicating criminality involved in death of my wife (cognizable offence).
  4. List of subsequent complaints, correspondence and deliberate, false, evasive and misleading replies to Complainant’s RTI queries by D.H.S, Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals [Evidence documents pages 342-344].
  5. Reply to RTI Query dated 02.08.2018 from D.H.S. that matter pertains to Navghar police [Evidence documenr page 346].
  6. Letter from Inspector Vikas Bhujbal of Navghar Police that information will be given to the Complainant after receipt of details from the Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals [Evidence document page 348].
  7. Reply from Mulund Police to RTI query of Complainant that the status of his police complaint is pending for expert opinion [Evidence document page 350].


  • Matter was re-directed after 7 months on  28/07/2018 by Directorate of Health Services via Navghar Police Station to Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals on the pretext that it falls under section 304-A of IPC (rash and negligent act) [Evidence document page 345].


  • The Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals appointed a panel of three doctors for submitting their “Expert Committee Report” on a “Tatkal” basis i.e. within a week. This was on 29th August 2018 [Evidence document page no. 347].
  • Reply to my RTI Query regarding “Expert Committee Report” by the Dean’s office stated that the report cannot be given to the complainant as it is confidential [Evidence document page 349].
  • Note: This action amounts to destruction of the most vital evidence and the basis of registration of FIR in a homicide case and the Dean has to be arrested along with the killers.

Complaint before Lokayukta of Maharashtra

  1. My complaint to Lokayukta of Maharashtra was online dated 31-10-2019. Complaint was basically a request to look into nexus between FDA authorities with pharma companies and doctors/hospitals. [Evidence documents pages 1079-1082].
  2. I had requested FDA Maharashtra Commissioner to take action against doctors/hospitals in illegal sale of drug Rokfos in nexus with Cipla Ltd causing death of my wife.
  3. Complaint before Lokayukta of Maharashtra was nexus between Cipla Ltd and doctors causing my wife’s death [Evidence documents pages 1079-1082].
  4. First hearing was conducted by Justice Tahiliyani on 12th March 2020 who said: How can the “Expert Committee Report” not be given to the complainant? Tell the Dean to give the report, else he will summon him personally. He fixed the next meeting two weeks later and asked for presence of FDA Gr. Mumbai Commissioner.
  5. However, due to the corona crisis, the hearing could not be held and Justice Tahiliyani retired subsequently.
  6. After two more temporary Lokayuktas’ hearings, Justice V.M.Kanade was appointed.
  7. The very first statement by Justice Kanade was that I have done a commendable job on my investigation and book on “Cipla Drug Trial”. But when I persisted with FIR, he got annoyed.
  8. Video footages of hearings by Justice Kanade will result in his dismissal.
  9. Objective of sending the matter to Public Health Departments of government of Maharashtra for criminality involved & “FIR” was lost.
  10. P.H.Depts failed to perform their duty and indulged in corruption. Cipla Ltd bribed & corrupted authorities from Mumbai to Goa to New Delhi to Ghaziabad all the way; mentally torturing & oppressing an aggrieved senior citizen seeking justice in homicide of his wife.
  11. “Expert Committee Report” was destroyed and Lokayukta Justice Kanade supported it.
  12. Lokayukta of Maharashtra ensured that FIR was not registered.
  13. “Fake Joint Investigation” organized by CDSCO along with FDA Gr Mumbai (explained above) was not questioned by the Lokayukta in spite of full explanations and required actions for the Final Hearing.
  14. Case with Lokayukta was dismissed without “Minutes” of final hearing and without reason. This was after 2 ½ years and 5 hearings.
  15. Lokayukta of Maharashtra protected killers of my wife
  16. Lokayukta of Maharashtra appointed as Anti-corruption Ombudsman has acted in exactly the opposite way he was bound to act. He protected civil servants and indirectly killers of my wife.
  17. How the case was dismissed illegally without complainant’s presence is explained under [Evidence documents pages 828-845]. Reply to Illegal disposal of my complaint is explained under [Evidence documents pages 1083-1091.
  18. As former judge of Bombay High Court, Justice V,M.Kanade should know that FIR has to be registered and that too in a homicide case. This was a criminal complaint. Complaint for Medical Negligence was a Civil Suit.
  19. Justice V.M.Kanade ensured that FIR was not registered in my criminal complaint in spite of my repeated attempts and appeals.
  20. Former Lokayukta Justice Tahiliyani vs Lokayukta Justice Kanade :
  21. Justice Tahaliyani told me “Why did you not approach the Magistrate”. You would have saved so many years. How true.
  22. Also said that he will summon the Dean for destruction of “Expert Committee Report”. On the other hand, 
  23. Justice Kanade did exactly the opposite. He protected civil servants viz Dean and doctors of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals who protected killers of my wife.
  24. He has indirectly protected killers and deserves to be arrested.
  25. Justice V.M.Kanade protected the Dean on destruction of the most vital piece evidence in a Murder case and is answerable before the Magistrate.
  26. Last and Final hearing with Lokayukta Justice V.M.Kanade was held on 6th January 2022: Present were:
  27. Lokayukta, Justice V.M.Kanade.
  28. Dean and doctors of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals who (as per reply to RTI) had submitted “Expert Committee Report” in September 2018.
  29. Complainant.
  30. Commissioner/Joint Commissioner of FDA Gr Mumbai (he did not speak and Lokayukta conveniently did not involve him).
  31. Senior Police Inspector of Navghar Police Station (name not known).
  32. “Expert Committee Report” which was suppressed by Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals was not given and Lokayukta supported the same.
  33. Note: Lokayukta did not ask FDA Official:
  34. Why no action was taken on my complaints against ADRs of drug Rokfos.
  35. Why no action in case filed by drug inspector on “Illegal sale of drugs” before Mazgaon Court.
  36. Fake Joint Investigation by FDA Gr Mumbai along with CDSCO was not questioned by the Lokayukta.
  37. My case before Lokayukta of Maharashtra was dismissed after 2 ½ years and five hearings in a letter sent by the Office of Lokayukta of Maharashtra. There were no “Minutes” of the last hearing. “Multiple Lies” were indulged in by the protector of people (LOKA).
  38. Dismissal of my police complaint was planned in a “Secret Hearing” conducted by Lokayukta Justice V.M.Kanade with Civil servants in Public Health Departments viz Directorate of Health Services, Department of Medical Education and Drugs, Dean and doctors of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals, FDA Gr Mumbai official along with the concerned Police Inspector of Navghar Police Station who was present for the last hearing on 06th January 2022.
    1. Lokayukta supported Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals on destruction of “Expert Committee Report”.
  39. As per the Apex Ombudsman, his predecessor Justice Tahaliyani had appointed an Expert Committee.
  40. Such a big Lie by Justice V.M.Kanade!

Note: Justice Tahaliyani had told me that he will summon the Dean for destruction of “Expert Committee Report”. Had also told me;  

 “Why did you not approach the Magistrate”. You would have saved so many years. How true.

  • Justice Tahiliyani’s hearing was held on 12th March 2020.
  • Expert Committee was formed on 29th August 2018 and report was supposed to be given on “Tatkal” basis i.e. within a week.
  • The Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals had sent a reply to my RTI that the report cannot be given to complainant as it was confidential.

Note: This proves that the report was destroyed.

  • After Justice Tahiliyani, there were two more hearings by Upa-Lokayuktas.
  • Where is the question of Justice Tahiliyani directing the Dean to constitute a Fresh Expert Committee?
  • Expert Committee report was destroyed in 2018. All written statements are there and Justice Kanade’s lying is disgracing his position as Lokayukta.
  • After being caught red-handed, initially the Dean said that for want of X-ray film, report was not ready.
  • Note: What has X-ray film got to do with adverse drug reactions ?
  • Both Medical Council & State Commission did not ask for X-ray film.

X-Ray report was there.

Patient was dead and cremated. Where is the question of surgery?

  • Lokayukta has written that the Senior Police Inspector, Navghar Police Station has stated that in absence of the report by J.J Hospital, FIR cannot be registered against the doctors.

Note: This statement exposes the conspiracy. Whom is the Lokayukta directing? Corrupted Inspector or the Complainant or the Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals ?

Note: Why is the Lokayukta trying to force me not to approach Navghar police again?  To finish me off just like the killers finished of my wife?

Note: Case will be over after arrest of killers of my wife and supporters of the killers including Lokayukta Justice Kanade.

  • The Lokayukta was blind to both orders of State Commission and Medical Council of what caused my wife’s death.
  • Serious ADRs of Cipla Ltd injection Rokfos caused death of my wife which is explained above.
  • As explained above, it is very clear that Lokayukta was responsible for closing my police complaint. This was a homicide case and the Lokayukta cannot escape punishment for protecting criminals and civil servants.
  • My second police complaint was closed by the Senior Police Officer who was at the Lokayukta hearing and he should be suspended forthwith.

Along with Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals and Lokayukta, Justice V.M.Kanade they conspired to close a “Homicide Case” punishable with imprisonment up to Life.

  • It is a joke that Navghar Police officer Shri Jaywant Panswal is waiting for “Expert Committee Report” since 5 years and case was closed.
  • Inspector Shri Jaywant Panswal had no answers why my complaint was closed and why he could not file the FIR. This was on 17th June 2023.
  • He told me that he will call me later.
  • I asked Inspector Shri Jaywant Panswal to give in writing why he will not register FIR against killers of my wife. I will place it before the Metropolitan Magistrate.
  • Cipla Ltd and doctors at Maruti Nursing Home played with an innocent life by conducting “ILLEGAL TRIAL” on an innocent patient with “Cancer injection” Rokfos administered for curing “Stiff Neck” in a single day.
  • Around two dozen doctors at three hospitals (Maruti Nursing Home, Platinum Hospitals and Jupiter Hospital) hushed up known side effects of injection Rokfos. Jupiter Hospital gave “False Cause of Death” in “Death Certificate”.

Aplastic Anaemia (actual cause of death) and ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) were excluded from “Death Summary” also.

  1. Homicide is proved as explained below:
  2. Orders in Civil Suits (State Commission & Medical Council) have implicated serious ADRs of Cipla injection Rokfos.
  3. Treating doctor has admitted in written statements before Medical Council that the drug did not suit the complainant’s wife.
  4. Cipla Ltd has admitted to the serious ADRs in written statements to FDA Goa Director. Also to Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (Pharmacovigilance Program of India).
  5. There was nothing left for Navghar Police except to arrest the killers and their supporters in regulatory and law enforcement agencies.
  6. Money power of Cipla Ltd coerced officials in regulatory and law enforcing agencies to collude with the criminal offenders and protect them from prosecution since nine years.
  7. Inspector Shri Jaywant Panswal did not record my statement for “Arrest Warrant” on 17th June 2023.
  8. This crime is punishable with imprisonment up to life under both the Indian Penal Code and under Drugs & Cosmetics Act.
  9. This matter is not only for seeking justice in my wife’s murder but to save the whole nation from disaster; unscrupulous pharma company Cipla Ltd playing with health and lives of innocent citizens protected by the government.
    1. On 1st June 2023, when I came to enquire about status of my case, I was shocked that the case was closed. I was told to give fresh application which I have submitted along with 800 pages of fool proof evidence documents.
    1. On 17th June 2023, when I came for registering my statement for FIR, Inspector Jaywant Panswal said that I cannot register an FIR in medical negligence case.

Note: Navghar Police have accepted my police complaints three times for adjudicating criminality in death of my wife.

  • What is this nonsense regarding “Medical Negligence” in a Homicide case?

Note: Medical negligence case was before the State Commission and Order is reproduced by me in my document enclosed. They have held doctors and hospitals “Guilty”.

Note: Maharashtra Medical Council (committee of 10 doctors) have in identical Order implicated Adverse Drug Reactions of Cipla Ltd injection Rokfos causing death of my wife.

Note: Cipla Ltd is not a doctor or hospital to attract medical negligence. Cipla Ltd manufactured sub-standard drugs for trials and suppressed the serious fatal ADRs causing my wife’s death.

Foul play by Lokayukta of Maharashtra, Justice V.M.Kanade in illegal disposal of my complaint is as per letter dated 17th March 2022 sent by Office of Lokayukta [Evidence documents pages ].

  • Note: All three (Lokayukta Justice V.M.Kanade, Dean of Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals and Senior Police Inspector of Navghar Police Station (name not known) who appeared for the Lokayukta hearing on 6th January 2022 are answerable before the Magistrate for closing a Cognizable Police Complaint punishable with imprisonment up to life.
  • The following correspondence with Lokayukta Justice V.M.Kanade proves that he was determined to protect the killers viz Cipla Ltd:

All Public Servants in government authorities exposed in January 2021 with full evidence. It is two years of my complaint before the Lokayukta.