World Health Organization (WHO)        

Complaints to WHO (World Health Organisation).

  1. Complainant had sent letter dated 9th July 2019 to WHO Representative to India, Dr. Henk Bekedam on serious ADRs of injection Rokfos [Evidence documents pages 501-506]. This letter was not responded by the WHO representative to India.
  2. Complainant sent letter dated 08th October 2019 to WHO Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom requesting him whether the Adverse Event from Cipla Limited drug Rokfos (ingredient Zoledronic acid) has been reported to WHO [Evidence document page 507]. There was no reply.
  3. Complainant sent letter dated 09th March 2020 to WHO Chief Scientist, Dr.Soumya Swaminathan requesting the same information on serious ADRs of Rokfos [Evidence documents pages 508-509]. Book on CIPLA DRUG TRIAL was also sent to her.
  4. On delivery of the book to WHO office in Geneva, complainant got a call immediately from the office of WHO representative to India who said that they were not aware of my letter to Dr. Henk Bekedam and that it was a cause of concern to them also.
  5. I told them that I have asked for the same information on ADRs of Rokfos (Zoledronic acid) from the Director General and Deputy Director General and Chief Scientist, Dr.Soumya Swaminathan also.
  6. The person who avoided revealing his name told me that he will give a reply on behalf of all the three persons addressed by me.
  7. Finally, I received an email from WHO India Office without the name of the person sending the email. I was informed to get information from PVPI. Information on whether the ADRs were informed to WHO went unanswered.
  8. Subsequent turnarounds are explained under the role of Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission in this episode.
  9. It is very clear that even WHO officials were compromised.