Order by Maharashtra Medical Council

Order in Civil Suit before Maharashtra Medical Council; Committee of 10 experienced doctors. They have implicated serious ADRs of injection Rokfos manufactured by Cipla Ltd. 

The Order is reproduced below:

Charges framed by Medical Council were as follows:

  • Respondents had administered “Rokfoszoledronic” acid without blood investigation of patient.
  • Consent for administering “Rokfos injection” was not taken by respondents.
  • Proper documentation not maintained by respondents.
  • Treatment was not provided as per severity of disease.
  • Required investigation of patient was not done.
  • After complication, respondents had failed to detect the reason & treat the patient.
  • Dose of methotrexate medicine was not mentioned on paper provided before committee in spite of advising and prescribing the same.

Executive Committee resolution dated 09/01/2021 is reproduced as under :

  • After detailed discussion & deliberations, the committee observed that,
  • On the next day of admission, the patient’s platelets and WBC dropped down rapidly. The platelets had dropped from 143,000 to 20,000 and WBC from 20,080 to 200.
  • However, RMP ignored and transferred the patient for surgery to another hospital which was scheduled on the 16/06/2014.
  • In spite of adverse reaction RMP had not taken action.
  • RMP was alleged to have given methotrexate to the patient as supported by prescription, bills, treatment sheet.
  • Discharge card was not filled properly when patient was transferred to another hospital for surgery.
  • Therefore, the Council has passed sentence to remove the Registration No.2001031433 of Dr.Mihirgiri Goswami (Respondent1) for a period of 3 months from the Register of the Council.