Subject: First Appeal No.920/2019, 929/2019, 930/2019 & 960/2019

(Against the order dated 21 Feb 2019 in Complaint Number 554/2015 of the State Commission Maharashtra).

  1. Justice R.K.Agrawal dragged the matter to oppress the decree holder in “Order” by Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. Only one incomplete statement was deposed by the guilty Appellant when Justice R.K.Agrawal intervened and recalled the complaint file from State Commission, Mumbai.
  2. Decretal value belongs to me and was for costs incurred on medical bills, etc. Justice R.K.Agrawal has oppressed an aggrieved civilian in homicide of his wife and is responsible for not allowing him to meet his daily expenses including food. Complaint was lodged with Supreme Court of India and the Prime Minister.
  3. Reply to NCDRC notices dated 12th May 2023.
  4. Please take note that I, as an aggrieved senior citizen seeking justice in homicide of my wife has been hit hard on my physique by the President of NCDRC, Justice R.K.Agrawal.
  5. Decretal value belonged to me for unnecessary medical expenses in crimes by killer Muslim Hamied family of Cipla Limited along with doctors and hospitals (Petitioners & Appellants above).
  6. Justice R.K.Agrawal has caused me to sacrifice my livelihood; food, stomach and health and reduced my body weight by 15 kgs making me difficult to travel.
  7. Killing of my wife is not only a personal loss but has exposed how killer Muslims are protected by the Government and the powers that be in regulatory and law enforcing authorities including Justice R.K.Agrawal.
  8. Justice Agrawal saw to it that my case was dragged to protect the Appellants and Killer pharma company Cipla Ltd. It was a cruel and evil act.
  9. There was a doctor on the bench to refer to any doubts on “Aplastic Anaemia”.
  10. Executive committee of 10 experienced doctors had given their Order which I repeatedly brought to Justice Agrawal’s attention. His only objective was to CRUSH THE AGGRIEVED AND PROTECT THE KILLERS.
  11. His Sins will be remembered in my book “SAVE HINDU RASHTRA” – from killers and their protectors; traitor Hindus in high positions of power.
  12. I had asked for virtual hearing subsequently but denied.
  13. I am enclosing herewith the cruel episode of betrayal of Hindus in Hindu Rashtra.

This is my statement for FIR in Police Complaint submitted to the police including the SP. This includes NCDRC Foul Play by its President which is an unpardonable Sin on Bharat Mata.

  • I am hoping for FIR in police complaint and immediate arrests of the Guilty Appellants.
  • It may restore my health back slowly after torture and oppression for 9 years by past and present judges of High Courts and Supreme Courts; trampling of justice in the largest democracy.
  • I have been oppressed and tortured for 9 years seeking justice in homicide of my wife by killer pharma company Cipla Ltd, Public Health Departments of Maharashtra, regulatory and law enforcement authorities viz Food and Drugs Administration (State licensing authority for drugs) and CDSCO (National regulatory authority for drugs).
  • It is a shame that Lokayukta of Maharashtra appointed as Anti-corruption Ombudsmen has acted in exactly the opposite way he is bound to act. He protected civil servants and indirectly killers of my wife.
  • It is a disgrace for the largest democracy that an aggrieved senior citizen was Left to fend for himself.  I have managed to investigate all of their anti-national acts.
  • My wife was killed by doctors of Maruti Nursing Home, Mulund, Mumbai in nexus with pharmaceutical company, Cipla Ltd – Homicide in an “Illegal drug trial”. She was poisoned by a “Cancer injection” for curing “Stiff Neck”. There can be no defence that the injection was of standard quality as “Purchase was illegal” and “Sale was illegal”.
  • Doctors (Appellants) watched her sinking for 5 days. Later abandoned her to her fate. Entire blood from her body disappeared in 3 days’ time. This was to suppress ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) of Cipla injection Rokfos causing her death.
  • An innocent was killed for no reason but for conducting a “TRIAL”.
  • Cipla Ltd promoters Hamied family can be easily proved as being “EVIL” and “CRUEL”.
  • They have to be arrested immediately before serious damage is caused to the nation. Else my blood will be shed for saving the nation.
  • The Police officers and DCP, Zone VII have assured that legal proceedings will start.