Criminal Charges against Doctors/Hospitals


  1. Doctors administered cancer injection Rokfos for curing stiff neck. This injection has to be administered only once in a year even for bone cancer patients.
  2. Consent for administering this injection was not taken from patient or relatives.
  3. Before diagnosing cause of stiff neck, this injection was administered.
  4. Precautions and indications of use as per Cipla booklet (15 pages) were not taken. There are multiple precautions to be taken.
  5. Contra-indication tests were not performed.
  6. After serious ADRs, watched the patient sinking to her death for five days at a stretch. WBC falling from 20,080 to 200 and platelets from 143,000 to 20,000.
  7. They sent the patient in a panic two days ahead of scheduled surgery for cord compression (cause of stiff neck) in a critical condition.
  8. Patient was bed-ridden, unable to swallow even saliva, petechial rashes (bleeding from under the skin) appeared on arms and legs and blood counts at critically low levels.
  9. This was “Attempt to Murder”. Patient would have not survived the surgery as there was hardly any blood left in her body.
  10. ADRs of Cipla injection would have been suppressed forever. The doctors at Platinum Hospitals refused surgery.
  11. Around two dozen doctors at three hospitals suppressed serious adverse drug reactions of Cipla drug Rokfos causing death of my wife.
  12. After sending the patient in a serious critical condition, the three treating doctors abandoned her.
  13. Fake Science, Fake Chemistry and Fake Medical Theories were used extensively in this homicide to protect themselves.
  14. False Cause of Death was given by Jupiter Hospital explained above under paragraph 19.