Complaints to Hon’ble President 


[Evidence documents pages 975-996] Date : 28th July 2022 – To Hon’ble President of India, Madam Droupadi Murmu, Rashtrapati Bhavan, 

Respected Madam, Greetings on being appointed the President of India. It is definitely an historic event for all of us, the common man. I am a frustrated senior citizen seeking your appointment in person. You have assured all the countrymen that their interests will be paramount to you. Here is a matter which affects interests of all the citizens of the country and not only seeking justice in homicide of my wife for the past eight years. Matter in National interest – Health and lives of the citizens.

Subject: Homicide of my wife, Late Smt Kamini Barkur; untimely, unnatural and merciless death. The doctors watched her sinking for 5 days at a stretch & later abandoned her to her fate which was death. This was just to protect Cipla drug Rokfos causing Serious Fatal Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). Human Rights Violation in its worst form in the largest democracy in the world by bribing & corrupting every authority in India by Cipla Limited. “INHUMAN” [Joint Drugs Controller, Dr.S.Eswara Reddy was arrested by the CBI in Biocon Biologics bribery case] [Dr.S.Eswara Reddy is involved in my wife’s case also; against Cipla Limited. “Fake Joint Investigation” was organised by Dr.S.Eswara Reddy, Dr.P.B.N.Prasad (CDSCO), Mr.Somnath Basu (CDSCO) along with FDA Gr Mumbai & FDA Goa to silence an aggrieved senior citizen (myself) seeking justice in untimely, unnatural & merciless death of his wife. Very next day after “Fake Investigation Report”, letter was issued to Cipla Ltd that no action is taken against them.

  1. Complaint to Hon’ble President of India has been submitted (since 28th July 2022) for Government authorities suppressing crimes against citizens.
  2. 21st September 2022 – Justice being trampled in the largest democracy in the world. All Pillars of democracy have failed a citizen in homicide of his wife.
  3. 21st November 2022 – Human Rights violated in the largest democracy by bribing and corrupting every authority in India.
  4. 05th December 2022 – Corruption complaint against Prime Minister Modi and the government.
  5. 26th December 2022 – Removal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Office as he has not acted with honesty, dignity and integrity for the welfare of the Nation for which he was appointed and action has to be taken by the President as the nation’s prestige lied in her hands.
  6. 11th January 2023 – Complaint to The Chief Election Commissioner with my complaints to Hon’ble President dated 28th July 2022, 21st September 2022, 21st November 2022, 5th December 2022 and 26th December 2022.
  7. PM Narendra Modi could not answer corruption charges in homicide of my wife by Cipla Ltd in nexus with doctors and hospitals.
  8. I have asked Hon’ble President of India for his removal from office as he has disrespected the Office of the Prime Minister.
  9. He has oppressed an aggrieved senior citizen seeking justice in homicide of his wife.
  10. Complaint Letter dated 06th February 2023. That the government of PM Narendra Modi has lost its moral right to rule after being hand-in-glove with killers of my wife and destroying Public Health System.
  11. Complaint letter dated 25th March 2023 to Hon’ble President of India and Chief Election Commissioner for dismissal of government on various charges; misuse of power, corruption involved in protection to killers of my wife, destruction of Public Health System.
  12. The very fact that CBI is holding my complaints back is proof of government’s involvement and viz PM Narendra Modi’s Guilt.
  13. Law is not allowed to take its course and the government has no right to continue in office.